C# Confirmation Dialog Box example (ok, cancel)

chris (2004-11-16 12:01:53)
6 replies
Somtimes you need to obtain a quick confirmation from a user to confirm an action - say a close, or delete event. This is very simple in Windows Forms UI programming, but is slightly confused by the number of Dialog classes available to the designer. In fact if all you need is a simple confirmation, you will not require a Dialog at all. All you need to do is show a MessageBox with two buttons, 'ok' and 'cancel'.

In this example, a user has clicked on a 'delete' button and I wish to confirm the deletion first:
private void button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
   if (MessageBox.Show("Really delete?","Confirm delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
       // a 'DialogResult.Yes' value was returned from the MessageBox
       // proceed with your deletion

That's it - what could be simpler?


follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/planet_guru

2008-10-15 04:22:04

quite clear

Quite clear.. and short.
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2008-11-25 07:13:08


thanqso much.it helped me a lot and also tooooooo simple
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Alexei Goncharov
2009-07-17 14:38:23


You're a genious!!!
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2009-08-18 11:55:58


Somtimes you need to obtain a quick confirmation from a user to confirm an action - say a close, or delete event. This is very simple in Windows Forms UI programming, but is slightly confused by the number of Dialog classes available to the designer. In fact if all you need is a simple confirmation, you will not require a Dialog at all. All you need to do is show a MessageBox with two buttons, 'ok' and 'cancel'.

In this example, a user has clicked on a 'delete' button and I wish to confirm the deletion first:
private void button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
   if (MessageBox.Show("Really delete?","Confirm delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
       // a 'DialogResult.Yes' value was returned from the MessageBox
       // proceed with your deletion

That's it - what could be simpler?


follow me on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/planet_guru

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2010-01-07 11:58:30


nice n simple !!!
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2010-05-11 04:43:31

Short and sweet

Thanks a lot dude. It's great!
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